What We Do

We work with a variety of clients internationally on platforms like Digital Banking, eGovernment and Asset Management. We commit to making the digitization and the digitalization of their product.

Who makes the difference?

Our warriors. With a sword and laptop, we are always ready to fight and defeat all the adversities we face. 

Why we make a difference?

Collaboration. We make a difference because we will work closely throughout the project with you.

What makes the difference?

Focus. Ambition. Motivation.
We have the same purpose, the same goal, the same vibe.

Our solutions

Digital Banking

We help Financial Institutions to modernise their current banking offering into modern digital channels. We integrate these applications into our omnichannel digital banking platform for a perfect integration.

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Our Insurance solution Platform was built using modern technologies in order to provide users of insurance institutions with maximum security and performance. All modules are integrated with our Digital Insurance Platform for a perfect omnichannel experience. 
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The MobilityHub runs on standardized data formats, like GTFS, ensuring all stakeholders see MobilityHub best-in-class information wherever they access their information, including passenger-facing apps, third-party solutions, or the MobilityHub platform itself.
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We create Digital Channels that allow citizens to interact with government services fast and safely by providing a set of management tools that allow control and decision making based on real-time information.

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360 Analytics

360 Analytics is a complete analytics tool that allows all areas of your organization to check technical, usability, and product information in real time. A fundamental tool to gain insights and leverage business, either in terms of technical or sales improvements. 

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Content Hub

Content Management Hub is an application that allows you to create, edit, and publish content on digital platforms, giving you the ability to modify, remove, and add to it without the need for any development.

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BCI Modernizes Digital Banking with NEARSOFT Partnership
Jul 05, 2024
3 min read
BCI Modernizes Digital Banking with NEARSOFT Partnership
BCI Modernizes Digital Banking with NEARSOFT PartnershipBCI - Banco de Comércio e Indústria in Angola has partnered with Nearsoft, a leading provider of Digital Banking Solutions, to modernize its financial services offerings for both private and corporate banking customers.This collaboration aims to enhance customer experience, drive innovation, and strengthen BCI - Banco de Comércio e Indústria's position in the Angolan market. Key modernization initiatives include:Online BankingNearsoft's Internet Banking Solution ensures maximum security and performance for BCI - Banco de Comércio e Indústria's customers, integrating seamlessly with the bank's Digital Banking Platform for an omnichannel experience. This represents a significant improvement over the previous solutions used by BCI - Banco de Comércio e Indústria.Mobile BankingNearsoft's Mobile Banking Apps provide a flexible and always-available channel for BCI - Banco de Comércio e Indústria's customers to access daily banking needs, fully integrated with the Digital Banking Platform. These new mobile capabilities are more extensive and user-friendly than BCI - Banco de Comércio e Indústria's previous mobile offerings.Private BankingFor BCI - Banco de Comércio e Indústria's private banking customers, the new platform offers a personalized and secure digital experience, allowing them to manage their finances conveniently and efficiently. This is a notable enhancement from the bank's previous private banking solutions.Corporate BankingThe new digital platform also caters to BCI - Banco de Comércio e Indústria's corporate clients, providing advanced features for mass transfers, bill payments, expense tracking, and more - all accessible through PC, Mac, and mobile devices. This modernizes BCI - Banco de Comércio e Indústria's corporate banking services.By partnering with Nearsoft, BCI - Banco de Comércio e Indústria has demonstrated its commitment to innovation and its desire to provide cutting-edge financial services to its customers. This modernization effort aims to enhance operational efficiency, improve customer satisfaction, and solidify BCI - Banco de Comércio e Indústria's position as a leader in the Angolan banking sector.
Design Through History and the Rise of User Experience Through Technology | Nearsoft Blog
Jun 21, 2024
Design Through History and the Rise of User Experience Through Technology | Nearsoft Blog
Taken from doodle DESIGN website.It’s important to be aware of design’s origins and history. As a subject, it was created in the 20th century with the foundation of its first schools, the Bauhaus as one of its biggest progressors in Germany. Due to its, evolvingly, crucial role, during conflicts in the 20th century, and uses for engineering, propaganda and communication, production of military uniforms, it started to be interpreted as more than just as an aesthetic thing but, also, as something useful. During World War I, a very memorable and timeless example, of design’s impact on social and political matters, is the “I want you for U.S. Army” poster used for recruiting soldiers at that time. Graphic design and illustration had a major impact on society in World War II as it was, once again, used to create posters and other materials to promote patriotism, demonize enemies and encourage enlistment and support for the war effort. During the conflicts of Russia, it, also, impacted the production of military uniforms since they were designed for functionality, durability and harsh weather conditions. Excuse me for the dark examples, but, if you see the news today, and compare it to history, you associate the similar patterns, used through time, as a very effective way of communication and awareness.“I want you for U.S. Army” poster by James Montgomery Flagg, 1917I hope that, by now, you have a slight understanding of how impactful and important design can be (it doesn’t save lives, I know, but it can create awareness to different social, political and economic matters). With this, you can understand how frustrating it can be when we hear something like “make it prettier”, as if it’s only about a superficial point of view. Design is not just about aesthetics, although they’re also important and contribute to the effectiveness of the design, it must be functional and transmit a message. In the design industry, you have many types of designers specialized in different areas like interior designers, communication designers, graphic designers, user experience designers, user interface designers, product designers, motion designers and many, many more. These roles are often confused and understood as “It’s the same thing! If you can do one, you can do it all” but that isn’t, necessarily, the reality of it.I can’t speak for all designers, but I want, with this article, to educate whoever reads this and has been, so far, reading, what the role of a designer is, in whatever they specialize on. To give my unique perspective, as a UX/UI Designer, here are the main responsibilities of a User Experience Designer and a User Interface Designer.A User Experience Designer is responsible for understanding the product and user’s needs, expectations and frustrations. How users interact with the product and how we can improve their experience ensuring durability of the product lifecycle, this according to team limitations, urgency and client’s wishes. Some of the tasks that a UX Designer is responsible for is user research (user interviews, surveys, create user personas, understand user needs, behaviors and pain points), information architecture (sitemaps, userflows, user journeys, lo-fi wireframes creating the overall structure of the product) and usability testing and interaction.A User Interface Designer, on the other hand, is responsible for defining the look and feel of the interface respecting brand guidelines and creating interface guidelines to maintain a coherent visual throughout the product. Their tasks are creating layouts, selecting color palettes, choosing the right icons and illustrations, designing interactive elements, usability testing and organizing design systems with the team.“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”Steve Jobs.To close this article, the creator of one of the biggest and highly acclaimed brands that we know, Steve Jobs, used a strong design philosophy that is the essence of the success of Apple and its products. The key aspect of his philosophy lies on his commitment to user experience, simplicity and creating beautiful and functional products. And this is why the knowledge and voice of a designer is so important on making decisions about how a product is going to work and behave.
Maria Rodrigues
UI/UX Designer
Esclarecimento Noticia relacionada com a Segurança de Dados
Jun 19, 2024
1 min read
Esclarecimento Noticia relacionada com a Segurança de Dados
Esclarecimento Noticia relacionada com a Segurança de Dados A Nearsoft, é fornecedor líder de soluções de banca digital e governo eletrónico, está a abordar preocupações recentes na sequência de um incidente de segurança de dados envolvendo um banco em Portugal. A Nearsoft leva a segurança de dados e a confiança dos clientes muito a sério e está a tomar medidas imediatas e abrangentes para resolver a questão e prevenir ocorrências futuras. Fatos Confirmados Em 2 de maio de 2024, uma suposta equipa de investigação da Cybernews identificou uma configuração incorreta de uma aplicação de monitorização (Kibana) utilizada pela Nearsoft num dos nossos clientes. Esta exposição deveu-se a uma rota configurada incorretamente no Firewall de Aplicações Web (WAF) que, por erro de configuração, poderá ter permitido o acesso a dados de alguns clientes. No entanto, é crucial notar que nenhuma senha ou outro dado de autorização foi comprometido. Compromisso com a Conformidade de Segurança A Nearsoft lamenta profundamente a falha e está comprometida em aderir aos mais altos padrões de segurança de dados. Embora o incidente tenha destacado uma lacuna, a Nearsoft está a reforçar o seu compromisso com a conformidade com os padrões internacionais de segurança da informação, incluindo ISO27001 e PCI-DSS, bem como outros quadros de segurança e grupos de trabalho globais. Garantia de Não-Exposição de Informações de Segurança Críticas Queremos assegurar aos nossos clientes e ao público que nenhuma senha ou outra informação crítica de segurança foi comprometida neste incidente. Os dados eventualmente expostos e de alguns clientes, embora sensíveis, não incluíam senhas ou dados de autorização. Adicionalmente, é importante destacar que não ocorreram transferências de dinheiro não autorizadas ou outras atividades criminosas como resultado deste incidente. Os sistemas da Nearsoft exigem autenticação multifator, incluindo senhas e senhas únicas baseadas em SMS (OTP), para executar qualquer transação, garantindo que as contas dos clientes permaneçam seguras. Esforços Contínuos e Garantia A Nearsoft está empenhada em manter a confiança dos seus clientes e do público. Como parte dos nossos esforços contínuos, continuaremos a nossa estratégia atual de globalização das nossas soluções. Manter uma Comunicação Transparente com os nossos clientes e partes interessadas sobre medidas e melhorias de segurança. Esclarecimento e Repudio da Informação Incorreta Publicada É importante esclarecer que o post da Cybernews mencionou vários clientes da Nearsoft que não estão relacionados com o eventual incidente específico, e muitos deles nem na área financeira atuam. Condenamos veementemente esta forma de jornalismo que envolve clientes não relacionados, levantando alarmismos desnecessários que afetam o bom nome da Nearsoft. Conclusão A Nearsoft pede sinceras desculpas por qualquer inconveniente ou preocupação causada por este incidente. Gostariamos de passar uma mensagem de serenidade a todos os nossos clientes e continuar o trabalho que iniciamos com muito sucesso desde 2017. A nossa prioridade continua a ser a segurança e proteção dos dados dos nossos clientes, e continuaremos a trabalhar incansavelmente para proteger os seus interesses.